Brazilian Social Movements Addressing Poverty

Aug 2nd, 2017 1:00 pm
60 pesos
Dr. Gail Presbey

When the media gives us any news at all about Latin America’s largest country, Brazil, it is usually about its corrupt politicians. It is true they are abundant. But the good news that is ignored is about its popular struggles for social justice. Now Dr. Gail Presbey, Director of Latin American Studies at the University of Detroit, fills in this gap for us in a talk on “Brazilian Social Movements Addressing Poverty.” Workers, the homeless, environmentalists, the poor, Afro Brazilians, landless peasants are all in motion. And many of the issues being addressed are common in the US as well.

Sala Quetzal
La Biblioteca Publica, Rejoj 50A, Centro
San Miguel de Allende, GUA 37700